Friday, November 14, 2008

Well you just might find...

It's Friday afternoon and I am house-sitting for Travis' parents, one of my favorite things to do. I find myself in a sea of delicious yet low-fat munchies, the kind that are always too expensive to buy...endless bottles of red wine (if I like red wine, that is...Travis lucks out) and a wonderfully big bathtub...Okay, technically I am cat-sitting but their princess Fiona isn't quite keen on her catsitter, moi.

But right now I'm in the basement in the midst of an unproductive workout...Hey, I did 10 whole sit-ups on the big purple ball...I'm in between reps. I got to wandering and found Travis' old brown rug from a previous apartment that will cover-up those beer stains in front of the couch quite nicely...I also came across some maps, maps are so interesting to me...places I've been, places I haven't been and incidentally that question that's been lingering in my system for quite some time now...where will we live once we're married? All the choices, all the dealbreakers. Lake effect snow? Con. Potential hurricane/earthquake/war? All cons. Big City. Con. Lack of social healthcare (there, I said it)...CON. In looking at the maps of the great ol' US of A I found a whopping 6 states...will it be Vermont? New Hampshire? New York? Montana? Wyoming? Colorado? And don't forget about America's hat...CANADA!

On another note...I'm really excited to see Jon Stewart tonight! He's speaking at Hamilton College and we have tickets. I'm also really excited to wait in line for a speaker at Hamilton College and actually get to see said speaker. Four or Five Novembers ago, I waited in subzero temperatures to get to see Bill Clinton only to be turned away.

Alright, back to those fab-ab sit-ups.

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