Friday, January 16, 2009

a brain fart

No, I didn't forget about this space reserved just for me in Cyber-land, I've simply failed to update all those times I reminded myself to. I'm actually quite busy on the cellular level.

Busy indeed, planning a wedding in 230 days. And I can't believe it's almost been one year to the date that we even got engaged in the first place. I think it's actually given me too much time to plan. I am ready! I'm not sure I can wait any longer!

Our little kitties keep us busy too---especially the little one, Prudence aka Copycat, because she's that typical little sis always following in the much larger footprints of her big bro, Mayfield. Albeit he doesn't venture around as much as his curious companion, he prefers to plop down on his side about ten seconds after entering the room/changing sleeping positions/playing. It seems the only time he's energetic is when we're trying to sleep and he's trying to capture whatever it is that's moving under the blankets. Prudence, however, is always ready to play....especially fetch. Now, we're not sure where she learned this amazing little trick or if she's just confused about what kind of domesticated animal she is. She's also the most vocal little lady I've ever heard. Whether she's hungry, lost her ball or trying to grab Mr. Mayfield's attention, she'll let you know all about it.

Other than that, I've been trying to motivate myself to get out more, but the subzero temperatures are not helping! Part of it is that I actually like being alone and having alone time. I find it very peaceful to just sit and read a magazine in my own space. Or play guitar. It's going to be hard to leave the apartment we're in, even though it's a mixed bag...good things v bad things. Good being the cheap rent, the amazing amount of space, the only place I've known as home other than my parents' house. The bad being the geographic location (the scenic yet torrential Paris Hill, where you can experience the harshest of all elements in a day), the outdated electricity, the basic falling apart-edness of the house. Oh, and one more to tip the scale...just found out that my downstairs neighbor is a two-time, checked-the-facts-out-online, sex offender. *Sigh*

Okay, on that topic...I realize that perhaps there were extenuating circumstances that led this guy to get charged, albeit if he's guilty or not. But the fact is, it makes me uncomfortable and I already felt like he was a seedy character, even just based on looks alone. Not gon' lie. I judged a book by it's cover and I feel that justified my convictions. But the problem here is that you can't discriminate. He's married now and that was 8 short years ago. So what if I don't like that the only song he plays on the electric guitar is Carry on My Wayward Son by Kansas, he pays his rent on time so we're stuck with him, rapist or not.

Anyhoo, that is my update for the time being. Happy new year!

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