Wednesday, August 19, 2009

one day at a time.

Hey there Eggie, I've been thinking about you!

I'm very grateful to have 72 days sober today. That said, let me give some updates. The wedding is T-minus 15 days away, or something like that. And we FINALLY decided on a honeymoon destination! Seattle, here we come! We were going to wait but figured there's no way we can miss out on this one time only honeymoon opportunity.

Despite the usual trials and tribulations, I am keeping my head about water today...and with a smile. None of the world's bullshit is worth me drinking over. I've got a great man whose stuck beside me through it all and I KNOW he LOVES me, just as I LOVE him. Best friends, companions, soon to be husband and wife. His family has doubts and I can't change their minds, but I can prove them wrong.

Wish I had a little more time to chat, but alas, I have to go meet a good friend who just got back from Alaska.


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