Wednesday, April 7, 2010


it's been a weird day. enjoying the somewhat clear headedness of 10 months without alcohol consuming me. enjoyed seeing my grandma boo; i've always called her that, although I'm not quite sure why. enjoyed seeing old friends today, albeit at a sad time. vicky, robin and al....vicky was my bff for along time, through the junior high-high school awkwardness, we're adults. her mom laughed as she reminded us of the time we wanted to wear black pants when we were 13, so we went to Grimaldi's. we had a standing tradition on august 31 and dec 19. we kept a journal of all of our 'firsts' together. first fart, first rollercoaster ride, first fireworks, first sleepover of many. her mom would tuck me in at night just like i was one of her own.

so needless to say, i've been feeling nostalgic. not missing the good ol' times, just remembering them with a smile. it's brought us to today. it's made us who we are. and nobody's story is exactly the same. that whole puzzle piece metaphor.

right now i am waiting for my love to get home, so we can be thisclose. and maybe eat some food.

that's all.

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