Monday, February 25, 2008

buy the ticket, take the ride.

So, I still need to buy a ticket home. And hopefully one to Scotland, and possibly England, then venture to Barcelona in between...but there's only so much euro in the college student's purse these days. In search of these flights over this many weekends just made me realize how fast this experience has been rolling's a mixed bag. I miss things at home, but when I'm there, I'm going to miss things here. Eight or so more weekends making big dinners, venturing out, drinking pints. 'Tis brilliant! And then there are those weekends that we don't really leave the bed...watching movies, reading from our journal from our trip last's one particular great entry from last June.

mile 8852

    We're still in Maine, though not for too much longer. All the Maine license plates we pass on the road brag about being the #1 vacation spot, but I am going to have to agree. I loved everything from the sweet smell of the ocean in the air to the distant but constant sound of water that surrounds you.
    I'm glad The Pines turned out not so swell because instead we discovered The Bluff House B&B in Winter Harbor. It's a beautiful recluse facing west toward the ocean and remains to me to be the ultimate place to watch the sunrise and set. That is of course if you don't mind being eaten alive by mosquitoes, but I hear if you eat enough garlic, you'll smell like a vegetable to them and they won't bother with you. I am unbeliever until I try it next time.
Over breakfast in the morning , we watched as a hasty squirrel ate all the bird feed, while finches anxiously awaited for any seed left unshelled...Hummingbirds held my attention with both their flitting and fleeting nature. I hope the pictures we took of them feeding come out's always at the very moment you are shooting the picture that they take off, leaving you with a blurry dot flying away...
The other creature that captured me was the baby raccoon that Mary, the B&B owner, rescued from being trapped in a fireplace. His name was Taddy and he made snorty little purring sounds to display affection for his new adoptive mother. The raccoon is nature's bandit.
    As I mentioned before in some earlier entries, Travis and I couldn't visit Maine without trying the lobster, even though we both tend to shy away from the usual cheesy tourist stuff. Luckily, our place-mats had directions for getting a shy lobsterto come out of its shell. Also, it's a good thing we wore those plastic bibs with the giant lobster on it...not only were they essential, but they added to the experience. I'm sure Travis would want me to note the fact that upon receiving our lobsters and in the early stages shelling, I tossed my lobsters claws into the plastic bucket they gave us for discarding anything we found not consumable. I didn't realize that there was deliciousness in there too. He said at first he though I just really like lobster and already inhaled it. With a second glance he corrected my mistake with "hey, what are you doing? That's some of the best meat in there!"
    Yesterday we hiked at Acadia for three hours and were extremely disoriented upon exiting the labyrinth of a forest...we followed the trail to a possible end but were still unsure of our location and the location of our vehicle. Luckily I worst fears didn't come true that we were miles and miles away, and as we rounded the bend in the road that ran alongside the rocky shoreline of the Atlantic, we realized we were only 500 feet or so from where we parked our car...We're on our way to Vermont now

Good times. I love waking up and knowing I'm going to see something new today, that I'm inevitably going to run into one or more of my suitees in the kitchen and end up sitting and talking the night away, that Travis and I get to share this experience together. I hope the next eight weeks are just as great as the first eight have been. I have no reason to doubt that they won't be.
There are a few people I'm really missing at home, but I know our time will come again, and soon.

My homies and I at the always interesting Temple Bar...I've seen a guy limbo under flames, an awesome street band and a guy who fiddled with his feet, a 40 something woman carried on the back of a guy, and then laughed so hard she peed her pants....and we saw this guy that same windy night...

yes, I do believe that is a lovely floral pattern embroidered on his sweater...I don't believe that my close-eyed stumble or Colleen's pouty face compares to the very essence of random guy's being.

'Tis all for now.

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