Friday, October 10, 2008

there she goes getting all political.

I don't know what it is, but lately I've been confronted with questioning my own political views. Could it be the SNL skits that shows the debates true colors, the mockery, the hilarity, yet the utter hopelessness of it all? Or could it be the TWO candidates that are supposed to represent each side of the spectrum, yet forgetting everyone and everything in between? Bipartisan? Why not Pan-partisan? People from all across the board, representing the many different beliefs that a melting-pot such as we encompass. But no. In this world of having any type of fast food to choose from, we only get TWO choices for who we want to govern our people. RIDICULOUS! So all us Nader fans are considered to have "wasted our votes" by voting for someone we truly think could the job, and do it well. So all us Nader fans can sit on the sidelines and watch as yet another chump gets elected to make too much money for his own cause (and his own class), while crushing everyone else under his big, authoritative boot.


In case you were wondering, my election selection is a Republican't. And a Democan't. Non-partisan.

So what's a girl to do? Move to Canada in hopes a benign government and socialized healthcare is all it's cracked up to be? Move away from my roots here in NY? This area is beautiful, all I've ever known to be home...yet I'm not sure how strong my attachment is...I called Dublin home for sometime, but if given the choice, I'd say Ireland was home...namely the rural countryside, as opposed to Dub's traffic and low-grade "thugs" with stupid haircuts and sweatpants tucked into their tube socks. Oh, and vomit and dog shit all over the sidewalks. Definitely not home.

Italy? Live out all the romantic ideals I have of that place...our life together would be one long date...Travis, Italy and I. Talk about roots, this Fiorentino is possibly meant to go back home.

Here in Upsate NY. Good ol' Utica. Home of the world's largest watering can (thanks Mayor Hanna!), the half moon, the tomato pie, outrageous gas prices. My family. My grandmas, and my brother & sister's, and my sister's pup's. Travis' parents. Our friends. Our commonplace. Uprooting.

I'm not sure how to approach this contradiction, the girl who always longs for flights of fancy, the desire to escape. The girl who is equally apprehensive and embracing of shifts from so-called normalcy...

In constant search for some sort of contentment in all of those things that make me uneasy.

1 comment:

Robb said...

Stay away from Canada. Outside of the so-called "Universal Healthcare" (which is in dire straits rite now), the federal, provincial, and municipal taxes will eat you out of house and home.
Don't matter much who may be elected this time around. Sometimes they all seem to be dribbling out of the same paint can. And TWO choices? Canada has 3 major parties, 1 wannabe, and a fifth that wants to split the country in two. Plus all the sideline candidates your heart could desire. My local election 14 October

Home is best where your heart lies. Utica has much to enjoy and love (and much left to be desired, too, I guess). The times I'd visit the area, I'd say to myself, "I could live here!", but my family is in Ontario and...

Good luck on 4 November! And good luck to you!

Keep The Faith*