Tuesday, February 22, 2005

This is Scary.

I can't find the words anywhere in me, despite my insatiable urge to write.

What more is there to say?

It's just the same shit over and over and over again. (That last OVER is imperative to getting my point across.) I hate no one more than myself. I'm sick of playing mind games with myself, making fake people love me with nothing more than twisted words that I genetically engineered.

Watchout. Marissa is waxing her usual toxic melodrama, laced with suicidal thoughts and bits of neuroses on top. MMM. Make that a double.



Anonymous said...

hell make it a triple,
I love that you are so brutally honest
just like Billy Joel

Anonymous said...

Just keep writing it all out.  Hell, it's better than keeping it
bottled up inside!  Rant, rave, cuss, bitch!!! Whatever you
have to do to feel better!
Life just sucks sometimes!

Anonymous said...

WAXING ALERT!  Waxing is fine as long as you avoid that waxy yellow buildup.  Then it's time to strip the old stuff away, so you can get to the beauty underneath it all.

I'm not really sure what in the hell all that meant.  It just sounded good.  And I love you and I'm not fake.  Well, usually not.

~~ jennifer