Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Dum Dum Da Dum...

Since I suprisingly have alot of extra time when I finish my workload here, I've been the queen of googling wedding ideas, with the occasional game of Freecell or Sudoku to spice things up. How amazing it is to get paid to do these things.

Last night, Travis and I asked his parents if we could have our wedding reception in their backyard. I don't think it would've been as big as a surprise as it was, considering they haven't even asked us if we've set a date yet. Which we haven't. Next August is looking to be it, though, mainly because I want to steer as far as possible from the possibility of being rained out! Not that that's any indication of whatever inclement weather happens to arise in this crazy area...

Take the other night for example. It was one of those warm nights and right before a storm was due to hit...the wind blowing right through our curtains and cooling the stickiness of the day, dually curing our swamp-ass. I reveled in the fact that this was one of my favorite parts of summer...

And then our house got struck by lightning! I was TERRIFIED. The kicker is Travis and I were just talking about how silly we are to have not gotten renters insurance yet, seeing as how it's like $1 (not really, but pretty damn close) and that I work at an insurance agency. Not only was it the loudest, brightest, most horrifying storm I've ever experienced, that shook the ground and house like a bomb had hit, but it ended up striking the siding and taking a large chunk out of the foundation as well. With one fell swoop, our TV was no longer and my car wouldn't start the next morning.

All I could think of was the antiquated electricity that runs through our outlets...and boy, OUTlets they are---the thick plastic-coated wires that come out of the floor to attach it to the silver metal box in which we plug things. My hair crimps at the thought.

But back to wedding stuffs. I have to say, of all things in my life, this is the only thing that I am totally sure of. Nothing I've experienced in my 23 years compares to the companionship and intimacy that I have shared with my love. I feel lucky, and surprised that I've found it at all. Like any other two, we have those inevitable moments where we grind each others' gears or cannot accept the fact that the other never makes the bed/buys too much furniture...I bet you can't guess who the latter is.

Loosely, our plan for the marital union is as follows. Intimate ceremony in Winter Harbor, Maine in the backyard of a beautiful B&B we stayed in last summer, right on the coast. Reception back here at home a few days later, in his mom's expansive backyard under a tent, with Brooks BBQ (DELICIOUS!) cooking chicken and ribs at a pit within safe distance...

We also have been researching how to register for your honeymoon, which I think is a splendid notion. Instead of registering for china and crystal stemware that we'll NEVER use, we'll opt for a bottle of champagne for the happy couple as we toast our love in some tropical location. Or chocolate covered strawberries. Or a couple's massage.

This is fun. Such a challenge to create our idea of a perfect union on a budget... it forces me to get creative. I'm sure this will undoubtedly bring his mother and I closer, unless of course she turns into mother-in-law-of-the-brideZILLA.

But until then, I've got colors, flowers, desserts to choose...for me, and my chosen one.

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