Thursday, June 5, 2008

this country is bad for my health

So, I've just been adjusting to being a full-timer here at the insurance company,
waking up at 7:45, hitting snooze til I can hit snooze no more, getting here at 9
and leaving at 5. It leaves me little time for myself, seeing as how I can barely
stay awake after 11 pm these days.

My day at work entails drinking too much caffeine,taking/making payments,
processing homeowner/car insurance applications, renewals, reinstatments,
cancellations, etc...and after all that fun is done, it's just me and Freecell
and this forsaken country music. There's one in particular I feel I can actually
relate the typical southern drawl, and this one is more of a drawl than a


Every time that song comes on, roughly twice a day, I just want to tell the man,
I concur.

But not ALL of the country tunage is bad on the ever-popular local country radio
station (ever-popular here in Waterville, that is) there is one, count 'em one,
song that I enjoy. It's called "Johnny and June," referring to the Cash's
of course, and the singer chick says "When you go, I wanna go too."
Brings a twitter to my ticker.

Other than that, I feel on the upswing at the moment, healthwise. I don't believe
I've mentioned at all here what's been going on, but it started about 3 months ago
in Ireland when I had severe pains in my abdomen and lower right side. All signs
pointed to appendicitis, especially when I bent over to tie my shoes and almost
doubled over in pain. Doctors, surgery and a hospital stay confirmed it to be
endometriosis, oh joy.
If being cut open and hospitalized for the first time wasn't enough,on the exact day
I was journeying home to the states, a different kind of pain prevented me from eating celebratory dinner with our parents and friends...yadda yadda yadda, cut to today and here I sit with pernicious anemia, inability to absorb B12 and Iron, main symptom being gastritis--inflammation of the stomach lining.

I haven't felt well enough in the tummy area to be keeping up with all m'beer drinking,
and my pants don't fit. *sigh*
All the medical terminology aside, I hate feeling unwell enough to do things. I'm tired and
alot of days I'm in pain from either gastritis or endometriosis, which has chronic lower back pain and tummy pain. But, I am glad we've figured all this out whileI still have insurance.
This is where I face another one of life's ironies, working in an insurance company that doesn't offer insurance to their employees. At least in Ireland, my surgery was FREE!


On a much much much lighter note, my beloved Aimee Mann has a new CD called %^*&#Q(* Smilers! Picked it up yesterday, and can't wait to fall in love with it like I have the others. Also, she's doing a FREE (there's the word again!) concert in Albany in July...

Can't wait for the weekend. I have much to tend to. A great book, I am almost done with. My plants. My honey. Rewatching LOST season 3, you know, really important matters. And hopefully, in keeping with the last few days *knocks on wood* feeling well enough to get some much needed exercise.

I can't believe my voice is joining in the millions asking "Is it Friday yet?"

Also, I just noticed all of the different moods and didn't find one that fit my "feels like bugs are crawling all over me" present state of mind. Who should I talk to about that?

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