Thursday, February 3, 2005


I can't help but feel there is nothing here for me anymore.

I don't know what I was expecting, but I'm sure this wasn't it.


Anonymous said...

Here where?!! Here in journal land or.............  ?   Either option you choose.. you're wrong.  There's something 'here'.  Sometimes it just sits very queitly..

Anonymous said...

are you crazy??
Who else would oogle shoes with me and make fun of innocent bystanders??
Never expect to be expected,

Anonymous said...

are you crazy??
Who else would oogle shoes with me and make fun of innocent bystanders??
Never expect to be expected,

Anonymous said...

I am here, and a lot of other people too. Sometimes life just seems bigger than it is. Hope you hang tight. The ride is worth it. *Barb*

Anonymous said...

Then go elsewhere.  Life is a game of hide and seek.  But you start with baby steps, kinda like a scavenger hunt.  What is it you would like?  Not on a grand scale, but on a small one.  It's not going to be delivered, you know.  You need to find it.  And you can't find it if you quit looking.  

So, how about rather than taking the easy way, you tell the world to stick the white flag cause you're on a mission.

~~ jennifer