Saturday, October 20, 2007

I think it's Sunday now

Another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody I got some money cause I just got paid Oh how I wish I had someone to talk to I'm in an awful place

Okay. So the only thing true is that it's Saturday night...not much cash flow passin' through here as I have to spend it all on tickets to Ireland. But I am not complaining!

Although I do wish I had someone to talk to....
But I suppose AIM will suffice.

I haven't used AIM in decades! Well more like 2 years or so. Reconnecting and it feels so good!

Wow. I just got back to updating this. Apparently instant messaging old friends has taken over completely!

Well, it's been hours. I realize this isn't a real entry, so sorry about that.

Another time.


Anonymous said...

You can't know how much I've missed your entries. I put a short comment in your last post as I was short on time to write more. You probably think these blogs are no more than messages floating out into the sea of of all the other journals, but yours has landed on my beach and it's always an enjoyable experiance to read about the life of "the egg is cracked".

The last post was just some music you like and believe it or not I listen to almost all the same cd's. All except Radiohead.... maybe I need to give them a try.

Don't worry about Saturday nights at home. Just keep saving for Ireland. A trip like that is a life experiance that no Saturday night out can touch. I'll be waiting for those journal entries.

I also haven't really been updating my journal either. It seems like I kept writing the same depressing news day after day. But I feel inspired so I must get back to it.

Thanks for being out there.


Anonymous said...

where you going in ireland?? drop me an email and tell me about it- i love it there! and you will have an amazing time!