Monday, August 23, 2004

Before the Rain

It's moments before a big storm

How can I tell?

Easy. It's 8:00 here. The sun is just setting and the sky has a weird grayish yellow brightness about it. The leaves are turned over and a cool breeze found its way through my open window. Like the previous entry, these moments before the storm are ones of true peace to me as well. They remind me on their collecting winds that this is life in its rawest. 

I can now here thunder roaring a few miles away. Though it is quite faint, the pictures on the wall still rattle a bit with its intensity in the nearby town. My mother is walking around the house closing all the window for the impending downpour. I tell her to leave mine open.

I can feel its progress as my hair is blowing more and more into my face. The tiny rows of grass are moving back and forth making it near impossible to focus my attention on anything else. It's beginning to smell like a storm is near. The air seems clearer, purer.

It's raining now and my mom is telling me to shut the window. I don't think I'm going to.

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