Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Grande Chai Soy Latte

Yes, it's true. I'm back. Though not necessarily in one piece. I think I left my heart in San Fransisco.

It was a whirlwind trip. I feel like a twister came and lifted me up and, after 3 weeks of being caught in it's dizzying current, dropped me back down right in the same spot. In front of the computer.

I have many tales to tell of my trip, many journals to visit to catch up on all of the Anniversary Festivities, and many bags to unpack. Suprise, suprise. Marissa overpacked and had to send home a 100lb box of extras and goodies she picked up along the way. What can I say? I'm a girl who likes to have options. I only brought 7 pairs of shoes. And bought 3 while I was there. What's wrong with that?

I found out when it came time to pack up and ship out to NY.

::Man at airport:: I am not checking 8 pieces of luggage! You better downsize or make a trip tp UPS!

Somehow my things and I made it here safely, and even earlier than scheduled. I knew all of my luggage wouldn't delay the flight, like Man at airport said. Liar.

California, I learned, knows you not by your name but by the coffee you drink.

I met a few Tall Double Shot Espresso Mochachinos and Rio Grande Frappe This'n That's and made a few single-serving friends on my train and cable car rides.

Work was wonderful at the Pet Wash. I never realized under my cold hearted "I'm not a dog person" exterior there lay a big softee with affection for Cavaliers and Collies and most other barking breeds, as well. I also realized what a striking resemblance a dog and its owner share. It's kind of freakish but completely amusing. Case in point:

A short Chinese man enters to wash his miniature Pekingnese.

A tall muscular man with dirty boots and a truckers hat struts in with a black lab.

An old, frail white -haired woman walks in with her uncanny twin poodle.

Jet Lag is settling in. I will write more tomorrow. I've missed you! (Though not for long...I snuck in once or twice to sneak a peek at some of my favorite journals after I found out libraries are chock full of computers with internet access! Who knew?!)

Until then...


Anonymous said...

so glad to see you back and can't wait to hear all about your trip. i wonder if i look like my dog. we act alike kinda though. hehe. once you're around a dog for a for a while they grow on you, like a friend, they have personalities. tucker can make me smile like no one else can!

Anonymous said...

You're back!!!  And it sounds like your trip was wonderful and that you got to bond with our best friends, the 4-leggers!

And you only bought 6 shoes??  LOL  

So good to have you back in J-Land, even if it meant having to leave your heart in San Francisco!

~~ jennifer

Anonymous said...

whats this "library" you speak of?
Those California people are crazy!
Glad you're back