Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Graduation Constipation.

The pressures of trying to decide is beginning to bog me down.

And while I was away, I recieved a lovely letter from the school in the mail. After much internal debate, I've decided to tell you all the truth instead of hiding it.

(Editted and reformatted so it's not too boring)

Dear Marissa,

You didn't graduate. You need a three credit elective.


The school who loves screwing people over. XOXO


Initially I wasn't too mad. I figured I'm probably staying around here through the summer since I was promoted at work, so I started looking for a class to take over the summer. I went through the whole list and only found one. American Literature. (Can you believe it? It's like the only English class I didn't take.) Then I see it's meeting time. Tuesday and Thursday nights. Yeah, that sounds great. Let me go to work at 5 and somehow manage to get to the school at 6-8:30 for this class and back to work by 9:30 to punch out...hopefully they don't notice I'm gone. Besides, when I took another glance at this class I noticed it already started. 3 weeks ago.

Moving on.

They also said I can take it somewhere else and transfer it back upon completion. Knowing the school that loves to screw people they probably would reject my credits from the 12 step program.


So I am degree-less. And slowly falling into all the bad habits I encompassed before I left.

I wrote an e-mail to one of my friends today and part of it is worth posting here:

...I've been so back and forth these couple of days since I've been back...happy one minute, sad the next. I wish I would just pick one mood and stick with it. I've been trying to keep my mind off of things and my chin up, though it gets a little hard sometimes. I'm still trying to decide what the hell to do this fall...go back to school, move to CA or to Rochester...or stay here. I don't know what it really is that I want. I sometimes have these visions of myself in the future and what it is I would like to do and the type of setting I'd like to be in. I want flea markets and open air markets and mom & pop owned shops, low crime, stable weather and a shoe store around thecorner. A small apartment for myself with lots of closet space, internet connection and friendly neighbors. And, if it's not asking too much, someone to share all of that with.


I guess that's what they call it dreaming.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know this isn't going to make it suck any less, but I just got that exact same letter, except, it was addressed to me not you.
Im not happy, Ive been procrastinating on what to do,
I hate school so much, and I hate the fact that I got screwed over
they should pay for my last three credits...right?
Just as angry as you