Thursday, June 16, 2005

More than just hot cocoa and cheese.

Being back here, it's hard to believe I was ever really away. It all seems unfathomable. Maybe when those pictures get developed I'll believe it.

Part of me really misses it.

It was weird. Since I was away from everything familiar and thrown into this whole different way of life, many things that were once important to me took the backseat. My mind was at ease and I was no longer thinking of all the things that made me feel shitty. I had no concept of time. I was cellularly single for the first time in 2 years. And I could say honestly, save for Tracy, that there isn't one person that I felt the urge to talk to. And up until the last leg of the trip, there wasn't one thing I missed.

I threw myself right into the newness of it all and I reveled in it. In Switzerland there was the huge language barrier but that didn't stop me. I would go out in the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep and walk around, soaking it all in. I wasn't worried about being alone of getting lost, I felt safe there, I felt home. In the mornings, Harley and I would walk down the street to get some fruit for breakfast at the grocery store and then hop a train with every intention of getting lost. We got lost in some of the most beautiful places. My philosophy on getting back was hopping the next train. I'm suprised we didn't end up in France.

I was different there. I was really happy and carefree. Harley said he had never seen me so happy. I felt great! There was not one thing that could ruin my days there. I took it as it came and I went with it. Each day would hold a new adventure for me and I was more than willing to embrace its spontaneity. I was meeting new people within the group, getting closer to Harley (who is affectionatelt referred to as "mama") and living life outside the box.

I've decided that I will work to travel. I want to see everywhere. I want to meet everyone.

My favorite souvenir from the trip is undoubtedly my passport. It's stamped. It's getting filled. I can't wait until every page is stamped.

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