Friday, July 15, 2005

Until Dec 20th I'm all yours, New York.

In my usual Marissa fashion, my mood has changed significantly since the last two pity party entries. And although I didn't get out of bed at all today (yet and due to reasons that only feminines understand) I got alot accomplished.

I called school for their pool hours. As of late I've noticed some sag and cellulite and dimple-y buttcheeks that were a total non-issue before I upped my caloric intake to a million a day. (They don't call 'em munchies for nothing, those bitches are fierce. And by fierce I mean utterly insatiable until you introduce 'em to butter and garlic chicken wings and chocolate chips, washed down with Pepsi. That ought to teach me.) So, in a moment of pure crises the other night, I did what I should've never done. I took pictures of myself, clad only in my now-too-tight unsexy undergarments. And I was not happy, to say the least. I know the camera adds ten pounds but CHRIZZIST. Cut me some, slack, I mean.

So, 3 times a week, join me and my exceedingly unflattering swim cap (makes me look like a gingerbread man) at the pool.

I also registered for those last 3 credits to finish my degree. And NO, I will NOT be attending the graduation ceremony THIS TIME. I'm taking Art Appreciation, in hopes it will spark my inner arteest to re-emerge. And if not, I'll just enjoy the free trips to the museum.

This also means my plans for a big move are going to have to wait until January. And California told me that's a-okay. :)  (see! I don't post everything on here. you don't know what I got cookin' on the WEST SIDE of the figurative stove...)

And and and... I sent a very nonchildish "until we meet again" Mario's way, telling him no matter where I go, he'll be on my mind (which he always will) and that after ALL of this, he's still someone I care alot for.

Hopefully one day he'll understand.

And, as for the car, Dad wasn't mad. I know under all of those frightening layers and stern looks there's a big ol' softie underneath and will forever be the only man I will ever trust. (They don't get any better.)

Now I'm just hoping this mood will stay. For a long, long time. I can't go around messing stuff up anymore.

*raises dixie cup high and chugs down a Midol*

Here's to grabbing life by the balls and making ball juice! No, wait...lemonade. 



Anonymous said...

A toast to your school decision.  A cheer for your swim cap.  Applause to your better mood.

And a thousand thank you's to the makers of Midol.

~~ jennifer

Anonymous said...

I am so damn jealous,
I didn't get out of my pjs today and sat in bed allllll day too.
However, I got nothing but my email checked.
Cheers to your full day of work.