Monday, April 5, 2004

Top 10 reasons he doesn't call

Oddly enough this was headlines on AOL news. Either it was a slow news day or somebody at AOL hooked up with a Charley type.

10. Mental block
"If I was drunk, I might not really remember the person who goes along with the number or I might have lost it."
9. The list
"Some are building up their very own 'I'm Bored/In Case of Emergency' directory, you maybe just another number."
8. Burn unit
"I've had a few women give me wrong numbers, too scared of rejection I don't call."
7. Social grace(less)
"Some men have no idea how to end a conversation tactfully, They ask for a number because they don't have the backbone just to say 'nice to meet you' and walk away."
6. Dream girls
"Sometimes, I don't call because I wake up the next morning thinking she's out of my league, I figure I'll save her the trouble of rejecting me by not calling.
5. Improving the pool
"I get many numbers over the course of the evening, and then rate them, I'll call the one I like the best. "
4. Instant gratification
"When we get your number, it's because we're interested in you at that time and place, But actually using the number means too much effort. Dinner, a date, which won't happen without many more calls and we don't even know if we really like you."
3. The uncertainty principle
"If I ask for your number or email, at best, I'm not certain I'm into you, If I really wanted to go out with you, I'd go ahead and ask for a date."
2. Vanity
"Some guys collect numbers for self-esteem, He has no intention of calling her — hell, he might not even like her — but he wants to see if she likes him."
1. Betting man
"Getting or giving digits is like dropping a quarter in a slot machine, it's a harmless gamble and a bit of fun. What have you got to lose, other than the quarter?" 


And what do I think? Not sure. It could be any of these. And where is #11-Just wanted some action?

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