Monday, March 21, 2005

It Can't Come Quickly Enough

Believe it or not, no complaints today.

In only 6 days I will be landing in Florida though it seems more like landing on the moon. I forget which.



I've waited so long for this and I find myself wishing it all to go by faster, when I know I should be savoring every second, holding onto it with a clenched fist. And I can't help but wonder if it was better not knowing.

I want to know what this was all for. If it was all worth it. And to get that "near kiss" for real this time. God, it's been too long...

My picture of forever may be shattered. To which I can pick up the pieces and start with that proverbial clean slate. Is it wrong to want a dirty slate? One with marred with mistakes and no pride and little inflections of broken hearts? To over-indulge my id and milk everything until it's dry?

I want drips of water that turn into cascading diamonds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

internet isn't working lately, have a great trip, be careful w/ your heart though.