Sunday, March 20, 2005

The Late Debate

I knew the joy expressed in the previous entry wouldn't hold over for too long.

And although it's spring break, I find 4 HUGE papers looming over my head like an unpleasant Looney Tunes-esque storm cloud. I've lost my focus. I told myself earlier today that if I took on one paper per night, I'd be done by Thursday and have plenty of time still to pack and finish up in my room. But here I sit, typing another generic journal entry. Once upon a time I had a knack for this sorta thing. Once upon a time my entries didn't suck. Rar rar rar rar rar!

I don't know if it be the il stresso majoro I'm under or the too many beers I consumed nearly a month ago but things are not right. I'm not sleeping and I am late. (No, Marissa! You're right on time!) NO I'M NOT! (Kathleen, maybe we'll have to make a trip to Steve Madden Jr. together!)

I am so voting myself off the Marissa Island.

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