Sunday, October 9, 2005

I'm late for work, but I had to share!

dude, sweet | Sarah Mclachlan

On a lighter note......this is too great not to share!

Last night, I got a phone call during my dad's birthday dinner.

Wait, before I get to the really good part, let me tell you about my dad birthday din-din. I made reservations for 9 of us (annoying grandma who hates me, uncle, mom, sis & her woman, brother & his woman, me & dad) for the restaurant my dad really likes. He invited his friend, Craig, 10 of us.

Let me just say. Wow. How hot is Craig for a mid-40s guy? Me and my mom even took a bathroom break together to discuss how HOT he was. He was Tom Selleck circa Magnum P.I. HOT.

And he's a grandpa!

I bet his liscence plate on his HARLEY (because he rides one) reads 1HOTGPA.

He's absoultely the most charming guy ever. Even my Gram was flirting with him. (I think she was just feeling sexy because she just got new teeth and wanted to show 'em off.)

So I upstaged her. "Oh, Craig! My teeth are real!"

Hahaha. I'm kidding.

Throughout the meal, my mom's tolerance for Budweiser got lower, as did her shirt. I haven't seen her show off so much cleavage since the Bush Sr. Administration, when she was breastfeeding me.

------------back to the originial story------------

Alright. So we all know at this point that my favoritest movie ever (recently, anyway) was WEDDING CRASHERS.

So last night, during my dad's birthday dinner, I get a phone call from my ultra-fab friend Heather.

You're what? You want me to what?! Dude, I am SO there!

She was at a wedding in town! And wanted me to crash it! OPEN BAR!!!!!


So, an hour or so later, after pecking Craig on the cheek goodbye (he was going home to his wife, lame)  I show up at the Radisson in a pair of jeans with holes in the knees (haha, no time to go home and change when there's OPEN BAR!) I meet up with a very tipsy Heather, who hands me a Cosmo (she knows me so well) and drags me onto the dancefloor just in time for the electric slide!

I was a real-life wedding crasher!!!!!!!!!

I hung out with the groom for a while at the bar after the reception. His oh-so-tired bride passed out upstairs before they could know, do the "electric slide," if you will. He was bummed, so I bought him a drink. (Actually, I ordered him a drink and left before I could pay for it! Ha! Smooooth!)

Get this. Bride and Groom were 22.


The insanity!

Later that eve, when I untipsy-ed myself, we drove to Wendy's for some 99 cent menu goodness.

We walked up to the doors, doin' the potty dance, to find the doors were locked.

As I turned to walk back to the car, discouraged, Heather begins pounding on the windows!


I love her.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love being a wedding crasher!!
My oh so gay friend John and I had this great idea to "shop" for wedding planners, telling them we were shopping and trying to get ideas, we got to crash SOO many weddings that semester ( and in New Orleans, it was always an open bar, I had never heard of a cash bar before!)
I always felt a little guilty when we left, especially those two time when John found, and left with a man friend in front of the wedding planner. Jig's up!
Hot grandpa huh??
Thats hott