Sunday, October 2, 2005


sleepy | Her Space Holiday

I just finally got to sit down in front of my computer...I hadn't realized how messy my desktop (both of 'em) got.

I have pay stubs and bank slips in a pile with reciepts and shirt tags (just in case, you never know) ... bandaids and Dr. Scholls, to get rid of that pesky wart on my foot...a stack of books that I started reading. I'm a total Gemini (if you believe in that stuff...or if you just think it's cool, like me) I start one, I start a bunch...let's just see if I finish now. I'm reading "100 People Who Are Screwing Up America (And Al Franken is #37" (c'mon, who isn't reading it?) "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" (I'm a little behind) "The Miracle of Jimmy Carter" (I'm dying to know what the actual miracle is) "Survivor" by Chuck Palahunik (I'm reading this on accident. A coworker of mine left it in the breakroom and I picked it up and started reading it and WHOA! (said like Joey Lawrence) it's dayum good!)

Kat left me a cd on my desk..."Her Space Holiday" ...loving that.

I have my digital camera plugged in and uploading onto my pc...if you look at the pictures above you will see...

Me & new and fabulous friend.

Me & new and fabulous boyfriend. or whatever. (see what being single for so long does to you?)

Someone get me a towel.

No, seriously.

John has a mangina. His crotch somehow ripped during band practice. He wore his pants like this when he met my dad for the first time. That went real well.

Me and my new and fabulous friend Maria.

He looks like he's smothered in Vaseline (tm).

I'm a real bad photographer. I tried to be discreet though, so I wasn't the girlfriend with trigger happy camera finger.

These pictures were from his cd release party. And allow me, if you will, to DISCREETLY name drop for a moment and implement the use of hyperlinks to direct you places.

Seriously, check them out. Idol Hands


The party was really fun. I got to dress up and be my fabulous self and play lead singer's girlfriend. Totally RAWKS, people.

That's the good stuff I've been up to. In a pile of thoughts.


Anonymous said...

Yep, I'm a Gemini too.  Sounds exactly like me!! =)
Great pictures!

Anonymous said...

I just started reading your journal and I think its very cool. Its seems like we have similar items on our desks. LOL.