Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Year of the Single Girl.

What I failed to mention was the quadruple grande million shot espresso iced coffee I had this afternoon after rolling out of bed at the ungoldy hour of 10:30. Something about waking up before your body does is completely unnatural to me. Save it for the cow milkers and the Colombian coffee man, I am not a morning person.

So now I'm wired + insomnia = no sleep.

I've been daydreaming about my possible impending trip to Italy. It's hard to wrap my mind around the possibility of being in another country. On another continent. Sometimes it's hard to think outside of the United States when you've been here all your life. And that's theres a whole 'nother life over there. Millions of people with their own ideas, their own culture, their own country. I sometimes forget that. I need to think outside of the box.

Something tells me it's not going to work out.

But that just may be my pessimism talking.

The new year is rapidly approaching and I find myself without resolutions. Without resolve. 2004 sucked more than a ShopVac on steroids. It has been the rockiest  year yet. 2005 has ASYLUM written all over it in Sharpie. However, I came up with a title for likeness to RISE OF THE CANNIBALS, I present to you, ladies and gentlemen, YEAR OF THE SINGLE GIRL, starring ME!

And as we ring in on the new year, I ask myself what has changed from this time last year until today?

Part of me wants to say that nothing has changed.

But I know I have. If only just a little bit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year my sweet autumn sunshine.