Thursday, February 5, 2004

5 Men Who Changed My Life

In the course of my short little life, there has been 5 men that have changed my life.

The first was Superman. Well, as I knew him. Dean Cain. I was in 4th grade and watched "Lois and Clark" religiously.

The second being Leonardo Dicaprio. At the ripe age of 10, I fell in love and it was with him. Even my mother wanted to marry him. At the time I didn't think it was so creepy, but when I think about it now it sends chills up and down my spine. I still get a little tingle down in the southern region when I think about him.

Next, Howie Dorough from the Backstreet Boys. I shamefully admit, that I was a teenybopper. I loved him for 2 whole years and even saw him in concert once. Of course, I cried and cried. This embarrasses me an absurd amount. But I must say, I still adore him. He's a beautiful hunk of man. And he's my height!

Fourth, is Jon Bon Jovi. This one isn't exactly over yet, either. I don't think it ever will be. I've loved him since 1985, when I was born. I heard his beautiful voice practically everyday for years, since my brother was an aspiring Richie Sambora. I'm an aspiring Dorthea Bon Jovi.

And finally, my new guilty pleasure. Josh Groban! Yes, that is right, I LOVE HIM! I'm not afraid to admit it, either!

Sorry if any of you boys out there are distraught that you did not make my list. Work harder at being a sex symbol and I will gladly revise.

And Seannnny, you were a very close #5. But not quite.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I should be # 1... I can kick superman's ass any day!