Friday, February 27, 2004


I sit here and I stare at the empty screen. I wonder silently as I type what will unravel, what will become of this little white box on the screen. Will I offend someone who does not approve of me? Will I ramble on about songs I hate? Or will I simply say nothing in 1,000 words or less? Let's see.

I met a girl named Alyssa. Alyssa had the talent to silence everyone in the room using only her voice to lull them, as they ate their free pizza and drank thier free punch. (Oh my God! There's Punch!) She sang a capella songs from the Rennaissance Fair and I was mesmerized.

And my friend, Steve, the poet with the guitar. Sang while another boy held a microphone up to his acoustic guitar (it was not plugged in.) And again, I was dazzled by the peaceful coexistence I was amidst.

Anthony, (BFF) fabulous pianist that he is. Nobody softens up Manson better than you, while still getting the whole rage thing down. Nice.

Annie. The cutest girl I ever met. So short, she made me, the midget that I am, feel like I was towering over her. Even though we were sitting.

And The Comedian. Who will remain nameless for the simple fact that he may conduct a search being the cocky bastard that he is, and find this. I hit on a comedian and got a date. What can I say? I'm that good. He met his match.

Two muffins were in the oven. One turned to the other and said, "Boy, it's getting awfully warm in here." The other turned around in horror, "Holy Shit! A talking muffin!"

Turn it vertical, grab that punch...chillin with my bitches in the hall. G'night.

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