Saturday, November 15, 2003

Cast of Characters

Welcome make future entries a little less confusing, here is a cast of characters for the time being:

Anthony- my BFF(and for those who are interested, no, we aren't together and yes, he is GAY)

Amee`- a great little girl who enjoys toasted Doritos as much as I do. Nothin like some Nacho and Butane flavored chips!

AnthonyX -Ex boyfriend of about 2 months now. Unfortunately, his name has a way of popping up from time to time.

Mike Lowwwwerrrrryyy or Mike #1- Current interest. We phone date a few times a week for the last month. He's a security enforcer and I sometimes refer to him as the "human robot," because sadly, he is boring, but hot enough to hold my attention. (I'm very shallow.)

Mike #2- Like most boys, he too will soon be extinct.

KilgoreTrout- 29 year old guy who insists on sending me a daily e-mail asking me for my number. Sometimes the internet sucks. In this case, it sucks fish.

Sean- Just a buddy (or more...?) of mine. He's hot. (I'm paid to say that.)

Fi- My older sister who is shorter than me.

Richie- My older brother who gave me great taste in music.

Kelly- My sister in-law who I enjoy most of the time.


I will add more as they come up, so stay tuned.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How am I not oart of the cast?? Im the Minstril damnit!!!