Friday, November 21, 2003

A Love Story Turns Sour

When I first met AnthonyX, I was definitely interested. We worked together and it was my first day on the job. He came over, introduced himself and I caught my first glimpse of heaven. He was gorgeous. Blueish-green eyes, beautiful teeth.(Dentists aren't the only ones who care.) Thus began my love for him.

Everything was perfect. Our first date, kiss...yadda yadda yadda, etc. I met his family, i loved em, they loved me. A few months later he got a job 80 miles away, and he moved away from me. Saddest day of my life. He came home every weekend so we could be together, but it wasn't really the same. We both knew it probably never would be again. A year of this, and its over.

One day, out of the blue, it was over. I was shell-shocked the first 12 hours. Then it sunk in. No more weekends. No more phone calls at 9:00, when it's free. No more of my "Tundy." (His nickname) After the infamous "its not you, its me" garbage, we hung up, for the last time.

**Editors note: For the last time b/c I have this thing we being friends after breaking up. It doesn't work, nor does it make sense. Let me call up my new friend and cry about breaking up. Forget that.

It's now been 3 days shy of 2 months. I haven't spoke to him. I'm completely over the breakup (I think for the most part) but I have to admit I do think about him a few times a day, mainly in the morning. He feels like a stranger. Like I never even knew him. Or was with him. Like that entire part of my life didn't even exist. If that were true, I wouldn't think about him the way I do. Nor would my feelings of anguish/animosity toward him still be relevant.

I'm only worried I will never find a decent guy, like him, again. Nor will I ever find any guy. I know I'm probably just being irrational as usual, but I have to admit, it seems truer and truer everyday.

That's all for now. A little too much Marissa and I get uncomfortable. Have a lovely day.

And oh yes, I saw Bobby today. He was working out. Yeah.

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