Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Slowly I tread on...

Like a turtle in molasses on a hot July day. Happy Anniversary, Marissa. It's officially been 2 months of singledom and I hate it. HATE it. But, I suppose that will only make me stronger. And I'm all for that. Perhaps I WILL get the job I applied for. And maybe I WILL run into a perfectly disabled man. (I applied at a rehabilitation center as a receptionist.)  Oh sorry, not disabled, thats politically incorrect. Differently Abled, as it is now. Right?

Brace yourselves, I am going to talk about Auntie Flo. She's due in at the airport terminal around the first of December, so I'm assuming thats why my mood is a little off. She always makes me miserable when she visits. Especially near the holiday season. Bah, humbug.

My inspiration has abandoned me. I haven't written a truly good poem in weeks. Nor have I been in the mood to work on anything that needs to be done by XMAS! I have a few more gifts to make, then I'll be done. No will to do anything, really. Isn't that awful? Hopefully Auntie Flo didn't forget her suitcase or something. I can't bear waiting for her for a few more weeks. I would like to get the anguish over ASAP.

I need a mood booster. Something to look forward to. Someone to care about. Someone to care about me. Grab the elmer's, I think I need to be patched up again.

Have a lovely day.

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