Thursday, March 4, 2004

Good Omens by Neil Gaimen

moEron61: alright night beautiful

Chittarabunny129: g'night.

His name is Charley. He loves Bon Jovi (as do I) and we have a whole list dedicated to things we have in common.

But does that mean we're good for each other? Because we have alot of things in common? He thinks I'm perfect for him. I'm not so sure he's perfect for me.

Don't get me wrong, I like him. He's very foxy. He's sweet and makes me blush and giggle. I enjoy talking to him, though when we are together it's slightly awkward. (Considering all the "pressure" from mutual friends.)  He smokes pot. I do not. I would not could not will not smoke pot. Again. Once was plenty enough for me.

He's a fellow guitarist and a songwriter as well. So he's sensitive, good with words and seemingly loving. He wants a relationship. He actually wants a girlfriend. He's not into "hooking up" (the original plan) he'd rather be with someone. In fact, countless times during the conversation he asked me to marry him, though usually after another thing we had in common.

There've been omens.  Weird coincidences and missing puzzle pieces found. It's strange. But is this really what I want?

I haven't been looking for a boyfriend because I'm actually for once satisfied with just me. I have these aspirations of going away to college next year that may be bumped out of the way because of a guy. I've been known to lose myself when I get attached to someone and I don't want that happening again.

Isn't it funny how I realize something is going to happen yet I don't control myself enough to prevent it?

I'm probably worked up over nothing. But I'm sick, so perhaps it's the 2 tylenol washed down Dimetapp talking.


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