Tuesday, March 16, 2004

What I Woke Up To This Morning

There's so many ways I can go from that title.

It's only 11:00 and yet so many things have happened, mind you, I've been up for less than a half hour.

I go to bed at 2 this morning after watching a marathon of "Sex and the City."  I toss and turn for a little while then alas, fall into an undisturbed slumber.

Or so I thought.

3 a.m. on the dot. And my phone is ringing. "Who the hell could this be?" I think to myself, but I already knew the answer. The same person who has been calling me and hanging up for the last 8 hours or so.

Yes, it was Charley.

Now a little background...Charley's fingers are broken, apparently, as he did not call me in the weeks passing our "rolling in the hay," if you will. Yesterday we were supposed to see each other (though I assumed it wouldn't happen) and he just forgot to let me in on it. He drove up and down the main street that runs parallel to my street, thinking it was my street, looking for my car, which by the way, is my dad's car, thus not in the driveway where he was assumebly looking for it. I know, I know, what a catch, right?

Anyhow, it was him on the phone. He had called me a few times earlier that night just to prove he knew how to actually use the phone. Only thing is, he'd hang up each time, like the lame-ass that he is. (At one point, he played Bon Jovi's "Always" into the phone, which made me giggle uncontrollably.) All I heard was noise in the background and finally someone say "What are you doing on the phone, man, who the hell are you callin?" And with that, he hung up. What the hell?

I don't know where the actual attraction is here. He's a drug addict with a phone phobia. He's an excuse teller and a mystery. But still, I'm smitten. And I hate it.

But here it is, 11:30, and what I really woke up to...aside from millions of popups ads ironically stating "STOP POPUPS NOW!"...

3 NEW PAIRS OF SHOES! AND A SMOOTHIE MAKER! My mom is awesome. Though overly-dramatic at times.

Have a lovely day.

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