Saturday, December 27, 2003

My Life, the Unromantic Comedy

If romantic movies make me bawl and bawl my eyes out, why do I watch them?

I'll tell you why.

I watch them because that's the only romance I'm getting. So what if it's Marisa Tomei or Charlize Theron on the recieving end of what I want and so what if they're getting it from Robert Downey, Jr. or Keanu Reeves (plank with an angry face on it. Thanks Mr. Subliminal.)

My life is an Unromantic Comedy. Of the 3 jackasses I dated, I have not had one romantic gesture. I mean sure it was nice when Anthony took me out to dinner and a movie on Valentine's Day, but that was counteracted when he actually fell asleep as soon as the previews were over. Also we had plans to go to a fancy-schmancy hotel that night but he cheaped out, as usual.

Next there's the ex-ex Mike. He forgot our 6 month anniversary (it was a big deal then) so the next month he bought me 6 red roses and put them in my locker at school. Sweet right? No. Not after one of his friends busted in my class and said "Marissa you have the sweetest boyfriend in the world! Go to your locker! Go!" She literally scooted me out the door. There goes that romantic gesture. Right down the toidy with the relationship.

Finally, the ex-ex-ex Bill. He just plain didn't know what romance was. Or sex for that matter. ("Um, what just happened?" Bill, with his 14 year old penis in his hand.)

So why can't I watch these movies and cry at the pure sappiness of them? Can't a girl dream? And hey, it's only 2 hours out of my life.

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