Saturday, January 31, 2004

Potporri that doesn't smell like Potporri.

My computer takes so long to do things that I myself can humanly do in 55.8 years. I think I even saw that little blue loading bar at the bottom of the page go backwards. That's how slow this piece is.

Anyhow, with the impending holiday I find myself sick; some may say lovesick and I agree. But that term, lovesick, does that mean I'm sick from too much lovin (MONO) or does that mean I miss the lovin' feeling (woho that lovin' feeeeheeheelin' but now it's gone, gone gone, wohohowo.) ??? I just don't know.

Bobby's back and there's gonna be trouble. (Hey-la-Hey-la Bobby's back!) If you don't know Bobby, allow me to introduce him. Bobby, this is everyone. Everyone, Bobby. Good Luck getting him to notice you. He may talk and actually hold a conversation but that doesn't mean he's actually there. I question his existence.

I'm going to apologize to those who read my journal twice an hour for not updating as much as I used to. My sister, (who by the way hit a taxi,) hoards the slower-than-a-turtle-in-molasses-on-a-hot-July-day computer 24/7.

It's snowing again. My boots are frozen to the driveway still so I tied hockey sticks to my feet and ventured out. Needless to say, it didn't work and I'm still looking around for tennis rackets. Now would be a good time to be preppy, huh?

And now for the fake news:

Michael Jackson lost custody of his 3 children. Now he can only dangle them on weekends.

Have a lovely rest of the day.

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