Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Praise the Picketers

As I finished up looking through my last rounds of daily reads here on JLand, I knew it was time and I could put it off no longer.

Time to update.

I didn't know what I was going to write. I didn't know what would become of this blank space, with no title. Would I be so witty as to come up with something clever by the end of it, like I usually do?

Or would I breathe my dark words of nonsensical wisdom all over for everyone to see?

Sorry to disappoint you, folks, that is not what I am going to do.

Today was a step up from the past few, though not by much. Life decisions stand in my way of doing anything truly productive which just counteracts everything that keeps me busy from day to day. I feel like I'm standing still as a misplaced dot on a map, insignificant with it's tiny hopes of becoming important one day.

I sat and talked with this kid I went to high school with today while I ate lunch. He sat with me and stared intently at my chest as I ate my over-priced BBQ chicken wings. I let it go, intially, thinking maybe, just maybe, he was looking my necklaces, but I knew better. He talked and talked and talked as I casually inhaled the chicken wings (It was 4:00 and I had not eaten ALL DAY!) and took sips from my water bottle. What was he talking about? At that point, I couldn't tell you. I stopped listening after "I, me, me, me..." God, some people can just talk about themselves all day. Me, on the otherhand...

I knew what he was talking about. I'm not stupid. He was asking me about my sex life and talking about my breasts and his anatomy and blah blah blah...So, doing what any other sexy girl would when she finished eating her chicken wings, I got up, looked at him, spewed out a few choice words and walked out of the cafeteria, shaking my ba-dunk-a-dunk as he watched me walk away.

I wondered what he was doing in college. After all, there is a place called prison for those types of crude remarks and vulgarities.


BFF accompanied me to Planned Parenthood today where we encountered a wise, saucy woman in a turquoise shirt unafraid to give advice to anyone willing to listen. Her target this afternoon? Me.

"Don't you ever clean your man's house. He will never do it himself and will always expect you to do it for him. Don't let him take advantage of you like that, you are better than him. Tell him to do it himself or sit amid stacks of beer cans. After all, he's the one willing to live like that. And if you don't like it, don't go there."

MmmmHmmmm I muttered, thinking to myself, AMEN SISTA.


Anonymous said...

Not all trees grow at the same rate.  And some remain seedlings forever.  :::sigh:::

Turquoise was right.  Don't go there.  ROFL

~~ jennifer

Anonymous said...

Imagine that...guess that guy didn't lose his high school freshman mentality.

Anonymous said...

sing is turquoise!
Get it girl