Thursday, September 23, 2004

The Unofficial Incomplete List of Marissa's Favorite Things

1. Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. Let me just say, these things are magical. What's not to love? It's an eraser disguised as a sponge! It removes scuffs from your favorite white high heels after a drunken night on the town!

2. The Intuition Razor. I don't know comupters, I don't know iPods. I do know these, and they are revolutionary. All the technology we ladies need are chock full of shaving lotion goodness. Say later to nicks! Buh-Bye razor burn! Hello smoooooooth legs! (Think I have a career in advertising? I could make genital warts look good.)

3. Chai latte's ala` the only Starbucks in Utica. And it's hiding in the only Barnes and Noble in a 60 mile radius. What's not to love? Not only do you get a warm beverage, but you get an instant artsy attitude by walking in there. I feel like I should dye one side of my hair purple and wear huge scarves while I sip on my newfound intellect and gaze lovingly at the sci-fi books. (Click on that hyperlink by the way, I found it in a search. It's hysterical.)

4. The Spice Girls. Not gonna lie, I am, and have always been, a BIG fan of the Spice Girls. They promote Girl Power! They wear bright skimpy clothes and huge platform shoes! They wear glitter, for Chrissakes! Glitter! (Which, by the way, was cool until Mariah Carey took it's sparkly goodness and pissed on it with her poor singing abilities and crossed eyes.) But I digress. The Spice Girls songs are fun. And they actually had the ability to sing a nice, slow song. Not everything was laced with estrogen and feministic attitudes.

5. Bandaids. Boo Boo Covers. However you want to look at it, I love them. I don't know why. I don't know when I started my crazy fascination with them, but here I am.

6. Ashlee Simpson. This girl can rock out and look totally hot while doing so. I love the dark hair, I love the classy punk chick persona and I love the attitude.

7. Bravo, which, matter of factly, is slowly turning into GET (Gay entertainment). BFF and I spent the afternoon yesterday watching "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" when we saw previews for a show called "ManHunt," which is filled with beefy goodness. Holler.


8. Oprah Magazine. Cover to cover is filled with inspiring words of wisdom, plus a monthly column by Maya Angelou (whom I adore). Something about reading this gives me hope that one day I will reach full circle status and become who I want to be.

9. Hackey Sac. PSYCHE!

10. The Rabbit. 'Nuff said. Consider this your warning: Adult Content.


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