Friday, September 24, 2004


My stomach is in knots.

My bet is it will stay that way for the next few days.

I could really use an antacid.

I know what you're thinking. "What is she talking about now?"

Well, after that detailed-yet-vague intro, I will tell you.

I recieved a text-message today. Yes, I engage in the occasional text message, I'm not going to lie (though I will try to play it off if you call me on it). This text message reads as follows:

"Guess who is hanging out at the airport bar..."

Any guesses?

Since I'm not hearing much banter amongst yourselves, I will tell you who!

Mario, that's who.

He's coming home, away from Hurricane #4 in Florida.

Upon reading this, I call him up and confirm my convictions. Yes, it's true. He'll be here tonight. Oh, my, God.

Allow me to elaborate on the thoughts speeding through my head at this point:

"What?" "How could you come here?" "Do you want to see me?" "What's your girlfriend think?" "What should we do?" "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" "Wow, well, okay, see you soon, then." This made for a tearful conversation. And if I cried on the phone imagine what'll be like when he shows up in one of my classes Monday? I smell a heart attack, or, at least, a faint smell of, well...faint. *sighs*

I made up my mind. I will see him this time. I can handle it. I've gotten over him once, I'll simply have to do it again, right? Man, I need to work on my pep talk...


Anonymous said...

"you can do it... you can do it.... if you put your mind too it!"

Anonymous said...

I don't know your history with Mario but I second what was previously commented:  "you can do it!"  I find when I see an ex-lover after some time has passed, I always have a knot in my stomach too.  Good luck!