Thursday, May 27, 2004

Another Day

I have looked no farther than into a tiny box within my soul. And in that box, I found the answer. Today is another day.

Today is today. It's not yesterday. I no longer have to feel those leftovers from a bittersweet goodbye, I no longer have to drown in the rain that poured onto me, unnanounced. Today, I have woken up. To someone in my shoes, that's the biggest step.

I know my moods aren't always predictable, but you see, if I know my moods are inconsistent, that's predictable. It's not that bad, I guess.

I don't know if the sun being out has anything to do with my happiness today. And I don't know if it has anything to do with saying goodbye to an anxiety I held onto, with a closed fist, for weeks. I feel free. I feel better. I'm in that place I only discovered a few months ago, but I feel like I may visit it more often. It's nice here. It's warm.

I recieved two great comments from two wonderful fellow journalers, xzasporated1 and marigolds2 and I would like to personally (or as personal as you can get over the internet) thank them for their great advice as well as empathy toward a teenage girl who is struggling for the answers to all of her questions. Thank you, so much, it's beyond appreciated.

I am slightly apprehensive, however, that this feeling will not last, but I do have much faith in myself to find this place once again. We all get lost, sometimes, and during those times its important to realize that even if the path you chose wasn't the "right" one, it enables you now to realize what the "right" one is.

Okay. Enough of that now. I don't know how many more adages I can think up without losing track of what I was rambling about. Wait...

I have another one.

You know that proverbial tunnel? The one that's so dark and all you desperately want is the light at the end of it? As if it's some sort of reward to suffering in the dark for so long? Anyway...I haven't reached the light yet. But I do have hope that I will someday. Which, achieves full circle status, ironically enough, someday=another day. Another day in which I will wake up and be happy to be alive.

Good day, folks.

It's officially 2 days until my birthday and I am not gonna lie, I am psyched! Send in the clowns!

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