Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Good Lord Save Me from the Elderly!

So I decide to be a happy homemaker today and go grocery shopping with my madre. Normally, this isn't such a bad thing. See, I love food. So, I mean, really, a grocery store should be like heaven to me.

Not when it's 80 degrees outside and senior citizen day. It was too much to handle. Every tiny crevice I tried to squeeze my overflowing cart through I ran into another one. It was pure and utter madness. This place was crawling with old people! It was like an old people farm!

"Hey, I guess they're right. Senior citizens, although slow and dangerous behind the wheel, can still serve a purpose."   Yeah, to totally be in my way!

11 days until I slowly become one of those very slow, windsuit clad grannies with a gold fanny pack and too much perfume.

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