Friday, May 14, 2004

My Weekend Assignment #5

As per Mr. Scalzi, I bid you my Weekend Assignment #5, which is to:

Weekend Assignment #5: Recount your most memorable encounter with celebrity. If you haven't met anyone famous and don't know anyone who has, here's an alternate assignment: Reveal your first celebrity crush (and of course, for extra credit, do both).

I must warn you. There is nothing as interesting as his celebrity run-ins in this entry.

1999. I was 15 years old on vacation with my parents in the Large Piece of Fruit (aka NYC). Like all the other sunglassed, camera-clad tourists holding up signs on pink construction paper, I too was standing outside of the Today Show, only feet away from Mr. Lauer and Mrs. Couric themselves. And as I stood there, marvelling at the familiar faces from the TV, I shook with excitement of being thisclose to an actual, living, breathing celebrity. (note: I emphasize living and breathing because, as fans, we sometimes forget that celebrities are people too.)

We hung around after the show and my father, sister and I anxiously waited in line to snap a photo with Katie. (To my utter misfortune, Matt Lauer had already gone inside and I was devastated!) Finally, we were up. Let's just say...the camera does some serious justice.

I still have the picture as well as her autograph. It wasn't all I thought it would be. And in all actuality, even at 15, I was slightly embarrassed to be recieving an autograph from another person. It's kind of silly, really.

And, in keeping with the extra credit here, seeing as I haven't participated in a while...

My first celebrity crush?

TV's most sexy superhero...

Dean Cain! Even at 8 years old, I was boy crazy.

Back off Lois, 15 days till my Birthday.

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