Sunday, May 9, 2004

To Mama

It's 11:51 on a Sunday morning. It's Mother's Day.

Allow me to introduce you to my mother.

Merry Christian (not joking) was born on December 24, 19** Censored to protect her ego.

Since then, she's gotten married, had 3 children and has been raising them and cleaning up after them ever since. She's one of those rare stay-at-home mothers and doesn't seem to enjoy it one bit.

Last of those 3 children was me. Her and I are pretty close and spend alot of time doing mother/daughter things.  Such as: shopping, going out to eat, getting our hair done, baking pies, driving, visiting relatives...and so on and so forth. We also do alot of mother/daughter fighting, but it's inevitable, really.

So to her, Happy Mother's Day. You are the greatest Mom I ever had!

Love, Mar.

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