Monday, October 25, 2004

Can't you see I'm dying?

Hello my dahlings and fab journal readers on this horrid, rainy Monday. Karen Carpenter sang it best, "rainy days and Mondays always get me down." Well you know what Miss Carpenter? The combo of the two ain't so great either. That's half the reason why I'm parked in front of my computer in an oversized bathrobe, unwashed though still awesomely bad. (A quick shoutout and a thumbs-up gesture to VH1 for the Awesomely Bad series. It is by far the most entertaining thing on television until they come up with Extreme Makeover: First Ladies Edition.) Yes, m'friends, I am taking the day off from the learning extravaganza at school today. The word Hamlet will not pass through these lips unless there is some sort of BBQ activity in my flooded backyard. And as for Biology, well let's just say if the entire class wanted to high-tail it to my house for a field trip and a study on why my snot is green, then by all means. I will be happy to make them Nyquil smoothies with bits of Tylenol floating around in it. Which, ironically enough, serves as the perfect segue to the other half of the reason why I called in dead to school today, I'm sick. Again. This is the third time in the past 6 weeks I have become ill or the technical term "caught a cold" when I didn't even have my catchers mitt on. Or a coat in the subzero temperatures of Upstate NY on a Saturday night.

Note to self: No matter how club-alicious your outfit is, wear a coat to protect your precious immune system. Snot doesn't look good with anything.

My plans for today are simple: Lay in bed, watch "Sex and the City" and pout over the fact that Carrie chose pretentious Mr. Big over Sweet Home Alabama Man Aidan. There may be some tea and sandwhiches, providing my Mom gets home soon to make some for me! Can you say helpless and overly dramatic? See, it's a good thing I'm skipping out on today's Dramatic Literature class. I know drama. I don't need a class to point out the fact.

Enjoy your Mondays out there. I'm taking one for the team.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You didn't wash your hands after reading me, did you.  God I haven't been knocked on my ass like that in forever.  Three weeks of misery.  (Am I helping you feel better?)

I hope yours isn't as bad.  But Nyquil and a couple of drinks will help me ... I mean you, of course ... sleep.

Feel well soon.  

~~ jennifer, who is getting up to wash her hands