Friday, October 29, 2004

Weekend Assignment #31

Write your own, preferably rhyming, epitaph. 


Sounds easy, right? Not if your name is Marissa and doesn't rhyme with anything! But hey, I'll try anything once! - Famous Last Words


Here lies our little egg

that fell into an oversized keg

with one swift gulp, she became beer pulp

and never resurfaced again.


No like? Howabout this little diddy:


Here lies Mar

who was hit by a car

she flew across the road and later was towed

and now can be found in the junkyard.


Extra credit:  Write a cute epitaph for your favorite loved one, relative, or family pet. Suggestion: keep it light. You might want them to continue being your favorite loved one, relative, or family pet. Nothing is worse than having Fido dissing you over some silly words on a gravestone.


Here lies Skunk

whose overdosed on crunk

she got in her car, but didn't get far

with Pepe La Pew in the trunk.


I tried doing other ones but failed miserably. Not much rhymes with Anthony, Harley, Grimace or  Amberella. Any suggestions? Leave 'em below!





Anonymous said...

My sweet Anthony, Grimace,
Amberalla and Harley...
All once were alive with me....

But as fate did intervene....
they are now never seen
and instead reside from me quite 'farly'.

So. ok.  so I suck at rhymes.  But it was a challenge and I HAD to

Anonymous said...

oh dear, i am sooo drunk. try thinking of something that ryhmes with rambo, thats my nickname at work. i got and idea. check your email!!

Anonymous said...

I thought you did quite well. This rhyming thing is not my strong suit, you fared quite well.  I decided to take a little different take on the assignment, please feel free to pop on over and read how I fared. Happy Halloween!