Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Neuter the Computer! Neuter the Computer!

I've been reading an article for my Human Sexuality class about sexually explicit material in the mass media, a.k.a., what we call "porn." It also had an entire section on why people who use the Internet become sociopaths and exhibit antisocial behaviors. Right.

But, in likeness with the above mentioned article, I have been sitting here staring at this screen for about 4 and a half hours now, typing away on bio lab reports and essays on "Hamlet" (such nonsense!) And finally, my tiny update, that is none other than my excuse to procrastinate one last time before I call it a night. I hate going to bed with a list of things playing over and over again in my head of all the things that need to be done before X. Anyhow, my attention span is short. I'm feeling a bit ill. I see spots in front of my eyes and I dread that horrific sound of an instant message. Don't message me. Leave me alone. Can't you see I'm procrastinating? The nerve of some people.

If I sit here any longer I am seriously going to go insane. I hate putting all this effort and time into something inhuman, something that's inanimate and doesn't have feelings. Something that is so cold-hearted it'd delete your stuff without a second thought! "You get paper stuck in my printer?! Wait for your revenge, little missy...you just "wait! When it's time for midterms and you have your 30 page thesis on why cats prefer Meow Mix instead of the store brand will be gone! Without a trace! *Evil Laughter*"

Great. Now my computer is talking to me. I need to go before the keyboard inhales my hands and chews them off without a second thought.




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