Saturday, October 30, 2004

Mount St. Marissa threatens eruption

Is it just me or is 2004 turning out to be one of the worst years ever? Friend by friend are dropping like flies in front of the Depression Gods and I myself am finding it hard to resist. Take me, dear Schizo Lord, take me!

As a whole our stress levels seem to be at level red, inches away from boiling over like firey hot lava in our own bodies volcano. Is it the elections causing such tension? Or is it something more constant that doesn't just come around every four years, like family or school or work? Or is it simply nothing? Personally, for me it's a huge melting pot of all of things, with a dash of Seasonal Affective Disorder. How could you possibly feel okay when it's getting dark at 4 o'clock?

Walking around campus I no longer see happy faces or hear trails of laughter behind me; I feel like I'm in a makeshift mental hospital, with extremely high nightly rates. Get out the straight jackets, we're comin' in.

Ah, well, who knows? Maybe it's the first time in a million years where the planets are all aligned to disrupt everyone's lives and induce global warming with cartoon smoke blowing out of everyone's ears. Or maybe it's a yearlong case of PMS.

If only it were that easy.


Anonymous said...

i agree! i think i have SAD. it always comes when it starts to get cold and i get a lil depressed and sink into myself. it sucks. we just have to be flotation deivces for all our friends till the sun comes back out in march! xoxox. check your email!

love amber

Anonymous said...

Indeed these are crazy, stressfull times. I've been trying to play more and exercize more to get my brain primed for battling the depression Gods. Sometimes I just walk down the halls blowing bubbles or throwing nurf frisbees to others. So for none's been hurt and life is good. Play hard it's a natural high. Todles.