Sunday, November 28, 2004

black waters

I'm watching as my last bit of sanity is swishing and swirling before it goes down the drain with it's crimson eyes, liquid heart. Mixed with tears it turns pink and I drown in the humanity it promises, the morality that shivers like raindrops on a spider's web, and I am lost. You don't know me anymore and you won't see the shadows that once walked inches behind you, lending support if you should ever need it. I was dropped and broken, millions of glittery shards of glass smiling up at you from the rug, where I once lay, though broken then too. My hair bleeds, lending itself to form into veins that you run your fingers through, my eyes straing blankly up at you, empty, like windows with the drapes drawn shut. I've killed who I once was to kill you. I wish to erase all from memory and start anew, maybe then my inner demons would be as lost as you. I wished the slender fingers of death that wrapped themselves around my throat would cause the life to fade, to ease the pain, but it did not. The hurt was too deep.

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