Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Marissa's Egg Has Done Cracked.

The weirdest thing just happened...

I don't know if I'm possessed or if I'm goin' postal or what.

Here I am, 7 o'clock, sitting in front of my computer writing 1 of my 4 papers due. I'm typing away, typing my little heart out, so to speak.

Type type type.

I go back to reread what I just wrote, normal enough, right?


Something didn't make sense. There was an extra word in the sentence, that struck me as odd and completely out of place. It had no business in that sentence. If that word was removed, the sentence would've been flawless.

The word was HELP.

And I don't remember typing it.

The above-said sentence read as this : More contemporarily speaking, in Woody Allen’s Annie Hall, the fact that the object of the entire movie was so to document the relationship help between the two main characters and to not have them end up together in the end was slightly unnerving, as a viewer.

This is what I read (to the tune of the Psycho shower scene): More contemporarily speaking, in Woody Allen’s Annie Hall, the fact that the object of the entire movie was so to document the relationship help help help between the two main characters and to not have them end up together in the end was slightly unnerving, as a viewer.

So here I am, sending myself subliminal messages of free association. What does it all mean?

I knew I was cracking under the pressure of 4 papers , but this was just eerie.


Do I need help?


Anonymous said...

seriously... don't we all need help??
Did I just spell that wrong?
Ohh....I do need help.
I think that along with paying tax dollars, we should get a shrink.
I could use one

Anonymous said...

Boil it up and serve it on toast!!

Nope! you're as sane as the next. thank god for grammar check or my documents would read like a LP played in reverse...No lie! hehehe. weee....

good luck with the papers and make sure that the only thing left on your plate is a nice hard boiled egg on toast.

toodles, barb~