Monday, November 15, 2004

Who ever said I was a commitment-phobe?

Something happened this morning.

I came upstairs to sign on as usual, to get my daily reads. And I saw the date in the corner of my AOL WELCOME screen. November 15th.

What's so important about this date you ask?

If you scroll down a little bit and look toward your left, you will see that...

It's my one-year anniversary!

Ah, it seems like just yesterday I started this little doo-wop. And it hasn't always been this great. For those of you who've read my journal from the beginning, which besides me, was like a total of one (thanks Anthony!) know that it wasn't always this great. I guess we all have to start somewhere on the suck spectrum.

Now, as for me, I'm goin' to celebrate with some toaster struedels and a Bio test.

Here's to another year.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah! Bio, what a load of crap!
Happy Anniversary!
Now go have fun with the struedels