Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Schedule Update

So I finalized my schedule de' crapola for the semester of ruin today. Turns out, although a Biology sequence is strong preferred, doesn't mean it's required. Guess which science Marissa dropped like a bad habit! Holla! However, a sequence was still needed, so I boarded the train o' advisors yesterday and paid a visit to my dear balding Bio teacher.

"What's the easiest science I can take?"

"Environmental Science aka Rocks for Jocks."

"Well, I'm no jock, but that gives me promise of some fine lookin' men to study while I poke around the igneous rocks. Thank you!"

And I was on my merry way.

With the deletion of Biology, I opened another slot for the class I really wanted to take, Playwriting.

I am taking 21 credit hours next semester. Someone wish me luck, I'm gonna wish I was never born.

Wow, with all this school talk I am reminded---I have class in 10 minutes! And I'm sitting here in my underoos with no breakfast in belly and no soap on m'body.

Did I mention my classes begin at 9 am next semester? 9 am?! Jennifer, I'm turning out to be one of those students you hate. For that, I'm truly sorry. And exhausted.

 Nice rocks you got there. You can sediment my tary anytime. ;)  (Just a preview of coming attractions in Rocks for Jocks)



Anonymous said...

OH I loved environmental science!
Pretty boys?? You lucky girl, i had to take it at my all girl high school.
So get to studying!

Anonymous said...

21 hours?  Are you nuts?  What's a class worth there?  Three?  Four?  Seven classes?  Are you nuts?  Oh, I already asked you that.

I think you may enjoy environmental science.  And I know you will enjoy playwriting.  And government.  Especially government.  Remember?  We talked about that already.

And 9 a.m. is only as early as you decide it is.  Now...get out of the underoos and get some clothes on.  You gotta get to class!


~~ jennifer ;o)