Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Bill finally reaches the big O

I watched Bill Clinton on Oprah. I was expecting so much more and all I got was Oprah interrupting Mr. Pres every two seconds to say something completely idiotic. I certainly wasn't tuning in to listen to her talk about herself. But I suppose I could do that any old day.

Billy seemed nervous. I caught glimpse of shaky hands a few times and he stumbled over words alot. A man who was once so eloquent with his public life and speeches, was now nervous on Oprah.

Which brings me to my one and only thought after watching the show:

Bill Clinton seemed like an American Idol more than anything else. Walking out in a nice suit into a crowd of screaming "fans."

It doesn't take much of a background anymore to make you eligible to write a best-seller autobiographical account of your first job at Long John Silver's. Or your first trip to the local correction facility. Or that time you got your hair stuck in a mechanical bull.

Everything is gold, these days.

Note the sarcasm. And with that---

Good day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, you know Oprah is all about Oprah...  She does have that annoying habit of asking a question and then refusing to allow enough air time to respond.  And I thought she was rather restrained with Clinton.

But, you're right..he did look nervous.  And cautious with every word.  And he looks so old.  Most presidents age considerably after just four years, so after eight they're usually candidates for Extreme Makeover.  But he just looked so tired and almost haggard.

I was kinda hoping that Oprah would surprise him with a visit from Monica.  Now that woulda been fun!

~~ Jennifer