Friday, June 4, 2004

Shut the Damn Door!

This is me procrastinating. Hello, excuse.

I should be writing a 6 page speech right now on "The Art of Garbage Picking" for my public speaking class. No, the teacher did not assign that particular one to me, I chose it all on my own!

I don't really know what will become of my little essay for spendthrift college students but I am hoping it will get me a very good grade, as well as cure me from my stage fright. Though, I must admit, I'm not so nervous about it, as I am friends with most everyone in the class (all 10 of them) and I'm generally pretty vocal from my seat, hopefully at the podium it will be just as easy *crosses fingers*

When I am finished perhaps I will post some of my speech here, to share with all of you.

On a completely unrelated topic, I saw the third Harry Potter movie today and it was amazing. Trust me, it was so good I didn't even need popcorn or a nap (I have been known to nod off during movies, especially Lord of the Rings. But that's only because its 3 hours! 3! The insanity of it!)

And I leave you with this great quote from my infamous Math teacher concerning winter in upstate NY.

" Utica chooses to use the rather passive solar method for snow removal. They just wait for it to melt. "

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