Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Let me hit you up with some knowledge...

My speech didn't go over so well. Well, I suppose you could say I didn't do it justice. And I didn't. At all.

You'd think someone who is so vocal from their seat could find it rather easy to get up and speak. But I don't.

She assigned us our next speech. 20 minutes. It must be demonstrative. I'm going to demonstrate a crippling fear that consumes your entirity with it's public teeth. Shouldn't take longer than a minute or two until I sponteanously combust. No wait, spontaneous combustion is totally overrated. I want to be different. And unique. Hmm....

I know! I will swell...and swell until I can swell no more. In the likeness of that bluberry chick from Willy Wonka, but I will not float away, as she did. I will explode. My innards and eyes will cover the walls, sinew and tissue all over the desks. That ought to teach her that not everyone is designed to give a speech.

My computer has contracted some sort of STD. It's called the "Trojan Virus" nonetheless. So many jokes, so little time.

I have a test tomorrow and a final on Friday and then I'm finished with math. Goodbye, stout little man with array of gel pens. It's been real.

The whole studying bit isn't going too well. Here I was thinking I was a mathmatical genius of some sort, but I was wrong. Oh, so wrong. My calculator is trying to sabotage my elite skills, that, or it's my "itchy trigger finger" that presses all the wrong shit to give me all the wrong answers. I'm moving to Timbuktu.

No wait. Timbuktu is overrated. Hmmm...


Yep, that's where I'm off to.

Driving home from school, it started to rain. It just seemed so fitting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Im sure you did great, like many, I'm sure that you are your hardest critic.
It was a beautifully written out speech, thanks for sharing it with us.
My last speech class I had a demonstrative speech due, although it was only five minutes, I taught everyone how to make "hand turkeys" on thier paper, it was funny, and it went quick. Just be yourself, show everyone how to walk in stilettos

Gobble Gobble