Wednesday, June 16, 2004

A Rant? A Rave? Maybe both?

I am on edge today.

I went to my message board today, just to see what's going on and it's nothing but depressing shit. A bunch of depressed women, upset about the loss of some jerk.

I don't sound sympathetic, I know. It's because I am fed up with it. Stupid love. Stupid human nature, stupid instincts. I wish we all just needed ourselves and that's it. Who needs someone else to make you miserable when you do a great job of it yourself?

It's hot and I'm cranky. Sleep hasn't visited in a while, and when it does, I just have little visions of Mario-plums dancing around in my head. They are mocking my stupidity. Who could sleep with all of that going on anyway?

I feel like I'm running in circles. And running on empty. To sound like Chandler, "Could it take any longer?" Seriously. Enough is enough. I'm angry. Enter: Bitterness.

Ha. I just got in a fight with a boy who claims I am "too immature" for his liking. Gee, I wonder how he figured that out through our 2 day instant message relationship. What a tool. Then he has to go and wax vindictive in his away message he posted through his teen angst rage : "haha, hum lets all say stuff we dont know about...rreeeeeaaaalll mature ha now i know why im leaving"

I sure hope I told him to EAT IT before he put that up. Ass.

In other news----

BFF and I exchanged words last night. Them words weren't the kind kind either. Maybe we could cross journal to that??

I've decided to campaign in hopes of building a "screaming gym" at the end of each corner. That way, you can go down the street, and scream, and exercise your anger and frustration there. With other angry people. Who knows, maybe I'd find the man of my dreams there. Yeah, a real winner.

"Went to a cashew festival the other day. Yeah? It was nuts."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL, I'm not laughing at you, I'm, laughing with you,I promise.
I agree to the screaming gym, but you can do that if you go to a shooting range along with shooting a about frustration!
Hang in there, it will all get better soon